I was nominated by the lovely Emily at
Emily Allcott and Ceila at
Ceila's Antics for the Liebster Award, and I've finally got round to doing it!
I've copied Ceila's idea of picking questions from everyone's 11 questions as I feel mean picking one person's 11 questions over the other, so here we go!
1. Post a photo of what your day has been like today
I've been fortunate to be allowed to ride a lovely horse over the Summer so here's a photo of him chilling in the sun (technically taken the other day)
2. If you had to pick between drugstore and high end make up which would it be?
Right now, drugstore. I'm a poor student who can't afford higher end makeup, and I think over the last few years the drugstore brands have really upped their game in terms of quality of product. There are also lots of very good dupes in the drugstore for higher end products.
3. What is your favourite brand for lipstick?
I don't really wear lipstick, but I do love the chubby sticks. I have ones from Clinique and No7, and I think I'd pick Clinique due to the wider colour range.
4. What was the last book you read? Did you enjoy it?
Pains me to say this, I can't remember the last book I read! I used to be such a big reader and I have so many unread books on my shelf but I don't read as often as I used to anymore. I am currently reading Star Island by Carl Hiaasen however.
5. Chocolate or sweets?
Chocolate everytime!
6. Describe your ideal night-in
I like nights in during the Autumn/Winter, when it's cold and raining outside. Nice home cooked dinner, from my Mum - something like a stew or pie and mash (I love stodgy wintery-type homecooked food!) followed by some good TV!
7. What is your favourite time of year?
Autumn/Winter for sure, I love layering up my clothes, those nice crisp sunny mornings etc!
8. Are you a cat or dog person?
Owning both, I really couldn't choose! I think I would lean more towards dogs.
9. What is your Chinese zodiac sign and does it describe you well?
I am a rooster, and I used
this to find out what I'm meant to be like!
First of all it says I'm meant to be punctual....I'm pretty much late for everything - unless it's super important like a job interview, so that's not correct! This "they are deep thinkers considered to be honest, bright, communicative, ambitious, capable and warm-hearted...they like to be busy and neat. They are not reluctant to fall behind others and hate dawdlers" is very true about me! And I hate to say it but I feel this may be true about me as well "they are critical and think they are always right. Like their fortunes, their emotions swing from very high very slow. They can be positive but selfish, caustic and too outspoken. They are narrow-minded and vain. They probably refuse suggestions but would like to lecture others."
10. What are your top 3 high street stores to shop at?
1. H&M
2 Next - for jeans, I find they fit me well. Also do great shoes!
3. New Look maybe? I like the fact it's cheap and does nice things for nights out.
11. What do you want to be doing in 5 years time?
5 years I'll be 25, so I would like to have finished university with a 2:1 or even maybe a 1st?! I'd liked to have figured out a better plan for a career, I'm still very unsure of what I want to do.
And here are my 11 questions:
1. What is your favourite drugstore and high end brand?
2. You can only use 3 products for your makeup, what would they be?
3. What is your must have skincare product?
4. What is one fashion item you are currently lusting after?
5. What season is your favourite to dress for?
6. Heels or flats?
7. What is your favourite food?
8. What is your dream job?
9. Do you play a sport?
10. Why did you start your blog?
11. What blog posts do you like reading?
And finally, here are my 11 nominees (hopefully I found blogs that haven't already completed the Liebster Award!):
Love Alice x