30 August 2013

Great North Run

A slightly different post from me today but something I wanted to share on here.

Next month, on the 15th September, I'm running the Great North Run...eek! The Great North Run is a half marathon, so is a 13.1 mile (21.08km) run starting in Newcastle and ending in South Shields. To say I'm nervous is an understatement! I've never been a 'runner', I hated athletics in school, although my only benefit is I've always been quite sporty - I used to swim competitively and enjoyed other sports at school. I started training properly when I came home from university in the middle of June. At the time I could only run 1.8 miles (3km) and was very unfit so I think a few people were questioning my decision to enter! 

I'm running for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity (GOSHCC) which is a brilliant charity here in the UK. They need to raise over £50 million a year to be able to help the many sick children and their families effectively, so this event is an important fundraiser for them. 

I've been training 4 times a week since then and on Monday 26th August I completed a 14.3 mile (23.02km) run in 2h32. Totally unintentional I have to admit, my original route was 13.1 miles, until I got lost in a nearby village and ended up running round for a bit trying to find the right road! This run has made me slightly less nervous, I know I can run the full distance (despite it hurting a bit at the end) but we'll just have to wait and see what happens on race day now. 

My original aim was to complete the run in 2h30, however I have now reduced this to 2h15 which I think I could do, fingers crossed!

If you want to find out more about Great Ormond Street and the brilliant work they do, click HERE

If you want to donate to my JustGiving page (which I would be very grateful for) click HERE 
I have a target of £375 to raise, and I'm very close now!

If you want to follow my running routes/times etc, and other things that are going on in my life, follow me on Twitter HERE

Love Alice x


  1. Such a nice post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. Thanks very much! I'm now following you on bloglovin x
