It's that time of year again when lots of people are off to start university. I'm very jealous of anybody being a 'fresher' this year, I had an amazing first year and would love to do it all again!
But here are my 5 tips for those of you starting university -
1) Make the most of 'freshers' week
If your university is anything like mine, not only will you have a variety of nighttime events, but also events throughout the day. I wish I had made more of an effort to do these daytime activities rather than just sitting around the flat (admittedly with others!). They had such a wide range of activities including cocktail making sessions, paintballing, beach trips, tours of St James' Park, the list goes on! Not only will you get to meet even more people, but the cost of all these was already included in our (rather expensive) wristband for the week.
2) Get involved - societies, clubs etc
Join societies, sports teams etc and get involved with them. Not only will you meet people with the same interests as you, it will get you out and about and looks great on your CV if you take on an active role.
3) Stock up on paracetamol, cold and flu medicine etc
Word of warning now - you will get freshers flu. Its inevitably going to happen, hundreds of new people put into one area and germs are going to spread like wildfire. Stock up on all your cold and flu remedies before you go, so at the first sign of 'the flu' coming your way you can start dosing yourself up without having to try and find the nearest chemist.
4) Stock up on cupboard essentials
Another stock up, but this time with kitchen cupboard essentials - tins of beans, soup, dried pasta, jars of pasta sauce etc. When you've spend the majority of your loan and you still have another week until you can go home for Christmas these essentials are vital.
5) Enjoy first year
Don't stress out too much, do some work, but also go out and have fun. The phrase 'work hard, play harder' springs to mind. First year is such an amazing year of your life and is the only time where the phrase 'you only need 40%' can be used! This time next year, you'll be sat here like me, thinking this year I'm going to have to do some more work...
Are you off to university this year? Have fun!
Love Alice x
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